Tax Advantaged Income Same as Self-Employed

Earn Higher Tax-Advantaged Income

Count the ways that our tax-advantaged business model lets you earn higher total compensation than an agency temp or self-employed consultant with the same billings.

Best-In-Nation 401(k)

  • Fill your 401(k) retirement savings account up to the IRS maximum and with lower gross wage than with any corporate plan or individual 401(k).

Accountable Plan

  • Tax-free reimbursement for business-related expenses.

Medical Insurance

  • Tax-free premiums for ASA-compliant group health insurance and health savings accounts.

Accountable Plan

Maximum GSA Per Diem

  • Maximum GSA tax-free per diem payments when working and living more than 50 miles from your IRS tax home.

Disability Insurance

  • Guarantee-issue long-term disability insurance with tax-free benefit.


And More...

Best-In-Nation 401(k) Retirement Plan

Designed specifically for highly skilled, independent-minded contract professionals, the Solo Workforce 401(k) retirement savings plan is one of the most aggressive plans available to anyone in the United States.

Save Sooner. Save Faster.

The unique Solo Workforce business model lets our members load their 401(k) Retirement Savings Plan account faster, farther and with lower gross wage than with any other 401(k) plan in the country. Members may contribute up to 100% of their gross wage up to the IRS limit.

Both Roth and Traditional Plans

Members have the flexibility to make:

  • Traditional (pre-tax) contributions.
  • Roth (after-tax) contributions.
  • A mixture of both traditional and Roth.

Securian Retirement

We selected The Standard to manage our 401(k) because of their consistently high ratings, low cost (there are NO hidden fees), high quality of funds and high financial strength.

Free Financial Advice

Save on financial planning. Solo Workforce members may access free financial advice from our own Chartered Financial Consultant (ChFC).

Tax-Free Reimbursement of Business Expenses

Our IRS-compliant accountable plan lets you write off out-of-pocket expenses incurred in the course of work, just like a self-employed consultant.

Qualified expenses include, but are not limited to, the following:

Business Promotion & Marketing

  • Dues for membership in professional associations
  • Trade and professional association meetings
  • Presentation materials, conference room rental
  • Promotional materials – i.e. business cards
  • Advertisements – yellow pages, radio, classifieds
  • The professional services of a marketing broker or talent agent


  • Separate, designated business phone line
  • Internet connection fees
  • Dedicated data lines
  • Mobile Phone

Medical Expenses

  • Up to $15,000 in out-of-pocket medical expenses.

Office Rental Allowance

  • Actual or pro-rata value of dedicated office outside the home, used predominantly by the employee for work


  • Non-commute cab and bus fare
  • Airfare for flights to seminars and business trips
  • Tolls and parking for business-related travel
  • Non-commute mileage
  • IRS-approved commuter benefit

Maximum GSA Per Diem

  • Tax-free daily allowance when on remote contract assignments

General Supplies & Miscellaneous

  • Technical publications, manuals, and magazines
  • Dues for membership in professional associations
  • Office supplies
  • Computer Media
  • Licenses and professional fees
  • Computer equipment/peripherals
  • Test equipment
  • Software
  • Specialized tools and utilities
  • Repairs and maintenance

Meals and Incidental Expenses

  • While away from home or your principal work site on business
  • Entertaining current and prospective business customers at your principal work site, restaurant, or other location
  • Attending a business convention, workshop, or reception, business meeting, or business luncheon
  • Meals and refreshments for all participants attending business meetings for the purpose of proposing new business or discussing current business

Training / Tuition

  • Undergraduate credits
  • Graduate credits
  • Up to $5,250 per year in tuition
  • Technical and professional workshops, seminars, and related training
  • Certification training and exam fees
  • Textbooks and training manuals


Reporting business expenses is easy. Simply log into your members account in the secure member section of the Solo Workforce website and enter your expenses online. You can easily earn thousands of dollars more in tax-advantaged total compensation than if you were employed by an ordinary employer of record.

Maximum Allowable Tax-Free Per Diem

Claiming per diem on remote assignments can add extra tax-free dollars to your net pay. 

Reimbursed Travel Expenses

Earn the IRS maximum tax-free per diem allowance while working on projects more than fifty miles from your home base.

Eliminate Travel Receipts

Per diem simplifies reporting of travel expenses while adding extra tax-free dollars to your take-home pay.

Solo Workforce Gives You a Bigger Bottom Line

The tax savings alone on your tax-deferred retirement savings, leveraged by the power of compounding, plus tax-free reimbursements and other tax savings can add tens of thousands of dollars a year to your total tax-advantaged compensation. If for no other reason than to sock away as much tax-deferred funds as possible before you retire, Solo Workforce is clearly the best choice as your premium employer of record.

You’re just one step away from solo success